Vol. 12(2024) No. 4
Marge Kusmin, Mart Laanpere
Validation of the Self-assessment Model of the Smart Schoolhouse
Shubham Juneja, Povilas Daniušis, Virginijus Marcinkevičius
DINO Pre-training for Vision-based End-to-end Autonomous Driving
Grygorii Diachenko, Ivan Laktionov, Artem Vizniuk, Vyacheslav Gorev, Vita Kashtan, Kostiantyn Khabarlak, Yana Shedlovska
An Improved Approach to Prediction of Maize Disease Occurrence Based on Weather Monitoring and Machine Learning: Case of the Forest-Steppe and Northern Steppe of Ukraine
Archil Elizbarashvili, Magda Tsintsadze, Manana Khachidze
Enhancing Georgian Text Processing: Transliteration Techniques
Selected Papers from International Conference
"Geodynamics and Geospatial Research 2024"
Dmytro Malytskyy, Kimiyuki Asano
Seismic Moment Tensor and Focal Mechanism of the MW3.3 earthquake of May 11, 2021 in the Kyoto-Osaka Border Region Determined by Waweform Inversion
Ahmet Kilic, Bahadir Kulavuz, Tolga Bakirman, Bulent Bayram
Comparison of Two Deep Learning Models to Determine Burned Forest Areas from Sentinel-2 Imagery
Armands Celms, Linda Grīnberga, Toms Līdumnieks, Jolanta Luksa, Miks Brinkmanis-Brimanis
Assessment of Accuracy of GNSS Measurement Models using Base Station and Radio Module Solutions
Selected Papers from Baltic Digital Humanities Forum, Riga, 2024
Elīna Gailīte, Sanita Reinsone, Ilze Ļaksa-Timinska
Promoting Digital Citizen Science for Humanities and Cultural Heritage: iesaisties.lv
Aušra Kairaitytė-Užupė
The Lithuanian Fanzine Collection: Creating and Visualizing Metadata
Sandis Laime, Sanita Reinsone
HUMMA.LV: Towards a Collaborative Digital Platform for Humanities and Arts in Latvia
Valts Ernštreits
A Balanced Vocabulary Without a Balanced Corpus: The Livonian Case
Marina Platonova, Tatjana Smirnova, Oksana Ivanova, Sintija Petroviča-Kļaviņa, Zane Seņko
Exploring Win-Win Human(IT)ies Interdisciplinary Education Paradigm
Agute Klints, Mikus Grasmanis, Gunta Nešpore-Bērzkalne, Lauma Pretkalniņa, Madara Stāde, Normunds Grūzītis, Ilze Lokmane, Pēteris Paikens, Laura Rituma, Andrejs Spektors
Tēzaurs as a Digital Multifunctional Lexical Resource
Eva Eglāja-Kristsone, Elīza Paula Graudiņa
Exploring the Role of Literatura.lv in Enhancing Knowledge through Digital Humanities
Maciej Janicki, Kati Kallio, Mari Väina, Eetu Mäkelä
Developing a Digital Research Environment for Finnic Oral Poetry
Everita Andronova, Anna Frīdenberga, Lauma Pretkalniņa, Renāte Siliņa-Piņķe, Elga Skrūzmane, Anta Trumpa, Pēteris Vanags
New Possibilities for Exploring Early Latvian Texts: Switching to the NoSketchEngine
Kais Allkivi, Pille Eslon, Taavi Kamarik, Karina Kert, Jaagup Kippar, Harli Kodasma, Silvia Maine, Kaisa Norak
ELLE – Estonian Language Learning and Analysis Environment
Gina Kavaliūnaitė, Wolf-Dieter Syring, Felix Thies, Paweł Brudzyński
The Chylinski Bible Database for Linguistic Research
Ginta Pērle-Sīle, Arta Krūze, Zaiga Pleiko
Learning Folk Songs through the Game
Andrius Utka, Giedrė Valūnaitė-Oleškevičienė, Anželika Gaidienė
Digital Humanities Overview in Lithuania: Heritage and Language Resources
Egidija Ramanauskaitė, Vytautas Rudžionis
Emotional Landscapes of Cultural Identity in Fanzines: The Power of Modern Computing in Enhancing Humanities Research
Laura Švītiņa
From Manuscripts to Machine-Readable Texts: Developing AI Model for Latvian Autobiographic Heritage
Roberts Darģis, Baiba Saulīte
Korpuss.lv - a Versatile Platform for Digital Humanities
Ilze Auziņa, Normunds Grūzītis, Roberts Darģis, Guna Rābante-Buša, Didzis Goško, Jānis Vempers, Raivis Kivkucāns, Artūrs Znotiņš
Recent Latvian Speech Corpora for Linguistic Research and Technology Development
Papers in Production
Vol. 13(2025) No. 1
Vol. 12(2024) No. 4
Vol. 12(2024) No. 3
Vol. 12(2024) No. 2
Vol. 12(2024) No. 1
Vol. 11(2023) No. 4
Vol. 11(2023) No. 3
Vol. 11(2023) No. 2
Vol. 11(2023) No. 1
Vol. 10(2022) No. 4
Vol. 10(2022) No. 3
Vol. 10(2022) No. 2
Vol. 10(2022) No. 1
Vol. 9(2021) No. 4
Vol. 9(2021) No. 3
Vol. 9(2021) No. 2
Vol. 9(2021) No. 1
Vol. 8(2020) No. 4
Vol. 8(2020) No. 3
Vol. 8(2020) No. 2
Vol. 8(2020) No. 1
Vol. 7(2019) No. 4
Vol. 7(2019) No. 3
Vol. 7(2019) No. 2
Vol. 7(2019) No. 1
Vol. 6(2018) No. 4
Vol. 6(2018) No. 3
Vol. 6(2018) No. 2
Vol. 6(2018) No. 1
Vol. 5(2017) No. 4
Vol. 5(2017) No. 3
Vol. 5(2017) No. 2
Vol. 5(2017) No. 1
Vol. 4(2016) No. 4
Vol. 4(2016) No. 3
Vol. 4(2016) No. 2
Vol. 4(2016) No. 1
Vol. 3(2015) No. 4
Vol. 3(2015) No. 3
Vol. 3(2015) No. 2
Vol. 3(2015) No. 1
Vol. 2(2014) No. 4
Vol. 2(2014) No. 3
Vol. 2(2014) No. 2
Vol. 2(2014) No. 1
Vol. 1(2013) No. 3-4
Vol. 1(2013) No. 1-2
AUL Vol. 787(2012)
AUL Vol. 770(2011)
AUL Vol. 757(2010)
AUL Vol. 756(2010)
AUL Vol. 751(2009)
AUL Vol. 733 (2008)